madman101 May 24, 2017 12:49
all * mob psychology, psychology - groupism, peer pressure, competition / cooperation, games, my pearls of wisdom
madman101 Aug 17, 2014 22:24
music - musical trends, commons, mathematics - predictive models, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, my predictions and prophesies, bb - conspiracy - nature / dynamics, books - '1984', politics and psychology, economy - economic trends, flanagan - timothy, police / abuse and police brutality, radio - npr/ pri - 'radiolab', war - iraq, all * trends / predictions, politics - aumf, johnsen - gregory, sociology - mob rule, music - phair liz phair, presidents - bush george w bush (bush 2), lee - barbara, poets - eliot - t.s. eliot (ts eliot), books - 'lord of the flies', bb - conspiracies, evil - psychology of, all * mob psychology, bb - big brother / legislation, predictions and prophesies, quotes, amazing heroes, psychology - mob behaviour, foundation for economic trends, art - trends in art, evil, politics - dissenters,, war - ndaa (national defense authorisati, music - soul coughing, aumf, history - 2001, psychology - dread - social, politics - neo-cons / neoliberalism, environ - climate models/ predictions, politics - war, sociology - dread, psychology - premonition, war mongers / war mentality, 70 deadly sins - war-mongering, orwell - george, civil disobedience/ non-cooperation, peer pressure, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, war * / wars / war and peace, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - political trends/annalysis, psychology - politics